Monday, January 30, 2012

When WOW becomes WOM

Whenever you have a good time, you want to tell your friends about it. In this “2.0 Era” we have many massive touchpoints that allow us to reach as many people as we can. Social networks facilitates us to communicate to our world what’s going on.
WOW brands, as explained before, are part of our lifes and we talk about them many times as if we were referring to a person, a well-known person.
WOW Brands have this particularity, to make people: talk about them, share on how they interact with them, discuss their advertisements; and when this happens, that particular brand communicates faster and stronger with this P2P (peer to peer) concept. That's what we call virilization. Or simply, good word of mouth (WOM).
Here are two great examples of WOW Brands becoming WOM.
Please enjoy Coca-Cola and Heineken making WOW Activities (WOW Brands usually make WOW Advertisment and Activations, I will dedicate a post to this idea).


Three activations that are iconic to WOM generation and that perfectly transmit the brand's message.


This ad was sent to me trough e-mail 11 times in a two week period. That's VIRAL, that's WOM.

This activation made in Italy show perfectly how to spread a message using non traditional media.

And finally, a very "modern" and innovating activation to generate WOM.


  1. Muy buenas ideas de activación de marca. Coca Cola y Heineken son dos grandes marcas líderes en esto también. Gran trabajo de selección de videos.
    Sigan subiendo todo tipo de WOWnderful ideas...

  2. genial la del vestidor!!! Buen insight!!! jajaja

  3. muy buenas las activaciones de Heineken...

  4. Jajaj la del teatro esta buena... no me convencian para ir ni loco..

  5. yo quierooo el de cocacola

  6. geniales las de coca y los amigos
