Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thinking OUT of the BOX is also WOW

You don't become a WOW Brand just for doing what everybody else has already done. WOW Brands are pioneers, are trend setters, and do things simply different from the rest.
Typical advertisement nowadays doesn't impact as it used to do. Consumers became more complex and sophisticated in order to set up their brains so that "regular brand stimulus" passes unnoticed.
So what are WOW Brands doing? Evolving. Changing. Adapting.
The fight was sent to the streets, this is Street Marketing, this is WOW.


  1. además de pioneros...tienen que tener un buen budget

  2. jugado el abogado que dió el visto bueno para lo del tobogán! :)

  3. Dear Anonymous (not the hacker I suppose).
    You don't necessarily need budget to be a pioneer. You need creativity, guts and determination.
    Please see my 2nd post (People buy WHY yo do it, not...), if you see the video attached you will see the story of the Wright Brothers, who without a big budget but with a lot of heart, entered in history as the first ones in flying a plane.

    Thanks for the comment


  4. Hello dear WOW Brands Expert... I like and share most of your points of views, however I have a simple doubt and would like to know your thoughts...

    How are WOW Brands different from Love Marks?

    Best regards!
