Monday, January 30, 2012

Men like cars, Girls prefer clothes, but everybody loves Apple & Coca Cola.

I’ve done some research and I interviewed 34 people in order to get to “the” WOW Brand.
There is no doubt, no matter gender, age, nationality, everybody loves Apple, for its gadgets, its software, its design. And just behind Apple it comes Coca Cola, for its heritage, its good vibrations & happiness.
But because this is MY blog so I can do whatever I want with it, I choose another WOW Brand to get deep into, and it’s RED BULL.
But let's leave RED BULL for future posts, first please be delighted with the following video. Some interviews were registered and you must see them.

PS: as you will see, the video doesn't show any male referring to an automobile brand, but believe me, it was the most mentioned category for guys.


  1. Buenisima la investigación!!! Mi wow brand es Coca Cola. Es una marca reconocida en el mundo entero y no necesita del nombre para saber que estás hablando de ella. Además siempre trasmite alegría y pensamientos positivos.
    Definitivamente es mi Wow Brand!!!

  2. Me sumo al video de manera escrita. Una de mis WOW Brand, entre muchas otras, es AUDI. Sus diseños, su innovación, los desarrollos tecnológicos aplicados a seguridad, prestaciones, rendimiento y confort supremo hacen de esta marca un ícono aspiracional, en mi caso, que está lejos de alcanzar. Igual, el obejtivo de tener uno es desafiante.
