Monday, February 6, 2012

"Inception": WOW Brands ARE in your brain

Have you seen the movie, the one with Leonardo Di Caprio? Not too many nice girls in it, it´s true, but an awesome script.
Whenever an idea is incepted in your brain, you simply can´t take it away.

So…the same with WOW Brands. Want to bet?

Play the following simple game, these images should let you link them to your WOW Brands, no matter that the logo is partially visible, or just an icon, the important thing to understand is that THEY ARE IN YOUR BRAIN!!!

PS: thanks @TrinidadRomero for the idea


  1. Absolutely true!! never before have I realized how much these little pics influenced my life!! so many brands, now I do understand why I forget about other stuff!! Keep it up!!
