Friday, February 24, 2012

Having Fans is WOW

This blog is ALIVE!
Ok, the first objective of defining WOW Brands is vanishing post after post.
But people are actually reading the posts, participating, watching the videos!!!
That´s definitely WOW!!!

In honor to one follower, who sent me some WOW commercials, this post goes to you @Belen25_ (from Spain - which means the blog is crossing frontiers, oceans (?) and went from America to Europe - ).

Very good stories behind a brand, constructing equity and giving a clear positioning.
Enjoy them!

First a teaser, and if you enjoy it, watch the complete spot (7 minutes long, awesome, WOW)

The whole spot now!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fun is WOW!

It is not about selling cars, or computers. It´s only about making you smile.
WOW Brands can take this luxury, not talking about them, not even about their products, their category or about the atributes related to them.
They simply care about your life standards and challenge you to live better, simpler, funnier.

Give fun a space and go from routine to WOW.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bigger the cast, bigger the WOW

Execution is a key success factor for marketing activations.
And believe me when I tell you that coordination is extremely difficult when you have one or two people to manage.
Now...these guys are the kings of coordination! Watch the videos beneath to understand what I'm saying.

To surprise nowadays our consumers is very hard, well, this two WOW Brands really manage to give consumers "the experience of their life".

WOW Brand - WOW Activation - Positive Experience - Big WOM

Monday, February 6, 2012

This is a break!

No mystery my friends!
This is a simple break from all that marketing information and WOW concepts from past posts.

I just wanted to dedicate this specific post to the most strange answer I got in the interviews.
"What's a WOW Brand for you?"- I've asked. "Prime" he answered, a well known condom in Argentina. "Prime is a WOW Brand for me because is the only one that has my size, XL".

Well dear friend with a huge size complex, I dedicate the following video to you.

And this other video is also WOW, it is also about condoms, and perfectly describes my life!!!

"Inception": WOW Brands ARE in your brain

Have you seen the movie, the one with Leonardo Di Caprio? Not too many nice girls in it, it´s true, but an awesome script.
Whenever an idea is incepted in your brain, you simply can´t take it away.

So…the same with WOW Brands. Want to bet?

Play the following simple game, these images should let you link them to your WOW Brands, no matter that the logo is partially visible, or just an icon, the important thing to understand is that THEY ARE IN YOUR BRAIN!!!

PS: thanks @TrinidadRomero for the idea

Friday, February 3, 2012

WOW Face

Can WOW Brands generate WOW Faces in their consumers?
Are you lost? Are you thinking "what the f@#* is this guy talking about?"?

Watch the next two videos and the truth will be revealed!

And remember from the past posts, WOW Brands think out of the box and make WOW activations!